Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Enjoy the Outdoor AND Get a Great Workout!

Summers are precious here in the Northwoods. The long winters are wonderful for winter sports, but not everyone enjoys the thrill of nostril icicles.

Once that sun starts to warm things up, more of us try to spend as much time outside as possible. We go to beaches, play outside with the kids and visit friends.

Often times, with this rush to enjoy the summers we put aside our fitness routines. The rationale of course being that we’ll pick it all up again in the fall once the weather is not as alluring. So we favor lounging in the sun to lunges and swatting mosquitoes to squats.

But why not combine the joys of being outside with the benefits of a workout?

There are a million opportunities to add some physical challenges to your summer activities. Things like swimming, walking and biking are natural links between having fun and working out. Not only can you spend some time with friends and family, but you can give your metabolism a boost in the process.

It doesn’t even require intense planning. Just a few small bursts up a hill in your still leisurely bike ride can be enough to jump start endorphins and burn a few extra calories. Challenge your friend to race to the next telephone pole or do an extra lap.

Although summer is definitely a time for relaxing, it is also a great time for keeping up with your fitness goals. Get and have fun!

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