Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swim Suit Season

Despite the recent cool weather, summer is approaching and fast. For some this means thoughts of fun and sun, spending time at the beach or on their bikes that have been long neglected. For others it means something far less pleasant. A thought that strikes fear into their very heart… swim suit season.

When people talk about getting swim suit ready, they usually think first about having to lose weight. Next are the images that jump to mind of three areas on their bodies. Their stomach, legs , and arms.

When it comes to losing weight for the summer, remember you had all winter to put on the Northwoods fluff so try not to expect to take it off overnight. A consistent program of cardiovascular and strength training along with healthy eating will help take off the pounds. Be patient and be consistent.

When it comes to training your stomach region is think less “stomach” and “abs” and more about your “core”. Core training is far more effective and better biomechanically than strictly ‘abs’. If you are unfamiliar with core training, a quick discussion with a trainer or search online will provide you with a wealth of beginning information.

As for your legs, unless you are looking to build bulk you can develop a great strength training routine without spending hours in the gym. Focus on exercises that work multiple joints and multiple muscle groups. (Think squats, lunges, and all their variations).

And for the arms, most of the sculpted look that people want comes from emphasizing the upper shoulder area like the deltoid. So in addition to working the traditional biceps and triceps, be sure to add a variety of deltoid actions to add the mix. Not only can this give you great looking arms, but done correctly this can really improve the stability and motion of your entire shoulder joint.

Swim suit season does not have to be scary. A little planning and a commitment to your nutrition and training plans can make this season your best-looking season yet. Good luck and happy training!

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